LTSS vs Holy Cross February 4, 2014

Game: Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary (White) versus Holy Cross (Red)
Location: Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary  
Final Score: LTSS 36 - Holy Cross 79
Sarah Buckingham #15 (White)

Game 2 of their season home and away series, Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary lost to Provincial #2 ranked Holy Cross Secondary.  After LTSS lead for the first 5 mins of play, Holy Cross took the game over and by the end of the 1st quarter never looked back.  Sarah end the game with 18 points (3/4 three pointer shots), 4 rebounds, 5 assists, 2 steals. 

*note: video can be viewed in HD quality, for slower connections please scroll your mouse over the HD symbol in the bottom right hand corner to turn HD off (the video will load faster). 

Michelle Bos (right) of Surrey's Holy Cross Crusaders, stays with Sarah Buckingham of crosstown rival and host Lord Tweedsmuir Panthers on Tuesday evening during senior girls Triple A basketball game won 79-39 by the Crusaders. (Photo -- Howard Tsum…

Michelle Bos (right) of Surrey's Holy Cross Crusaders, stays with Sarah Buckingham of crosstown rival and host Lord Tweedsmuir Panthers on Tuesday evening during senior girls Triple A basketball game won 79-39 by the Crusaders. (Photo -- Howard Tsumura, PNG, The Province Sports Blog)