The last day is always the hardest. We have had such a great time, memories for years to come, rides, thrills, laughter, 14 days away from home and we still would love to stay longer. But its time to say good-bye. Today we spent about 4 hours in the Magic Kingdom in the morning, making sure to take one last ride on Big Thunder, Space Mountain and Splash Mountain. We then ventured around Downtown Disney for few hours before heading off to the airport and the rain of Seattle.
You go from such a high being inside what they call “the disney bubble” and then reality sets in as you hit the airport and realize that it will be some time before you come back to a place like this again. Actually its less complicated then that, you just know what’s waiting for you when you get home; school for the girls and work for Elaine and I, with our next vacation 12 months away.
I realized as we where getting our stuff ready to leave last night, why I like it here (or places like it) so such. I’ve always been a bit of a dreamer, believing that dreams can come true and this place goes all out to prove the point. However ‘real’ life it’s not always so, yet when you are here it seems like all is possible again. I relax (maybe that is just the fact I need to actually take a vacation more often...hmm?), the family unwinds, we smile, laugh, play, life is not so hard. It’s an adventure, yet relaxing enough to feel refreshed.
Of the memories, eating meals together EVERY day, for the first time in years meant it was worth every penny to take this vacation. We talked and shared, listened to each others stories and reflections, laughed and enjoyed each others thoughts and musings. More than all the rides these were the best times for Elaine and I (and I think the girls as well, although they may not admitted it).
We will also remember how big this place is!! It’s HUGE! Really! 48 miles of park (at least that what one cast member told us). And there is something for everyone here to enjoy and do (or not do). You want beaches WDW has it. You want to visit different countries, you’ll find them here. You want adventure and thrill, you’ll find it in WDW. You want to find a quite place to sit and relax, believe it out not, they have masses of quite spaces to take in.
We WILL COME BACK here again!
Till our next trip, good-bye and take a vacation with your family, you’ll never regret it!