November Update

“Oh...Oh, Oh, Changing is hard, Oh..Oh,Oh, You know who you are. Oh...Oh Changing is hard, Oh..Oh, Oh, You know who you are”  
(Fiest, 1234)

Its halfway through November and the leaves have changed from red and orange, to a dark brown as they fall and make a mess of our yard.  Since our last update, here is the scoop on the Buckingham family:

1. School is back in session: Emily and Sarah have made it to grade 4 & 6 this year and are rising to the challenge of their new grades and harder work loads (I can not believe how much homework Sarah already gets in grade 6...whatever happened to just being a kid).  It took them some time to catch up once we got back from Florida. The extra work each new grade brings means that we will not be taking a 2 week vacation during school time again.  Even with the extra make up work, they have been getting excellent grades and Sarah has even made the school Volleyball team this year.  

1a. 100 Years of Broadway.  The girls are once again in Musical Theater and are singing a duet this time. Can you guess what it is? Here is a hint: “Anything you can do I can do better, I can do anything better than you!”. This song was made for them.  They perform their duet and other things Saturday December 1, 2007. If you would like tickets, drop us a note and we will try and get you some (Cost $12.00 each).

2. Work, work work:  Well with our holidays used up till next year, its back to the grind of work for Elaine and I.  My company has been doing very well this year and looks to have taken another step towards long term stability and growth.  This winter I will actually be able to sleep knowing that we will make it through the slow months and continuing developing once the season starts.  Elaine, as always, is on top of her game at Telus and has just received her 2nd “Best in Quest” award (top 10% employee) this year! If you ever need a coach for developing strong people skills and customer service skills, Elaine should be top on your list.

3. Fall in Vancouver: I have got to get this out, Vancouver has got to be the worst place to live during the wet and gray fall months.  The Sun has become a distant memory and the constant gray plays havoc on my body, soul and mind.  If not for the abundance of snow that our climate brings and our family’s return to the ski slopes of Vancouver, winter would be a 

right-off as well.  If my Company continues to do well, and the dollar stays at its lofty levels, I am going to buy us a property in California or Florida and relocate as soon as I can.  BRING BACK THE SUN!!!

4. Feist: I kind feel late to the party on this one, but I just recently developed a strong liking to her Music.  Not only does she have this strange yet fantastic voice, she’s from Canada too!  You probably recognize the song playing right now from the Gap commercial this year.  Give her new album a listen, especially, My Man Moon, and Sealion.  Actually do a Youtube search and and watch her live, she is even better!

5: Facebook: I don’t get it, I don’t want to get it, but Elaine is on it, so here is the link to her Facebook site: 

(If someone can actually post a rational reason for the thing, write it here and I’ll stop ragging on it and make sure Elaine adds you to her account)

Till next time...
