The Little Things In Life

“Stop this train I wanna get off and go home again, I can't take the speed it's moving in, I know I can't, but honestly won’t someone stop this train” (John Mayer, Stop this Train)

“...our lives are made in these small hours these little wonders, these twists & turns of fate, time falls away, but these small hours, these small hours still remain” (Rob Thomas, Little Wonders)

Its May 11 already. Where did the last 3 1/2 months go? In fact, where did the last year go?

A while back I picked up the new John Mayer album, and instantly resonated with a song on the album, “Stop This Train”.  I have been experiencing these little anxiety attacks as life races past at a pace that I can’t seem to get a handle on.  It all comes to a head for me every-time I look at my girls, and feel the weight of work, commitments, duty, service, the desire for personal rest.  They are rapidly changing, transforming before my eyes and I have been wanting off the high speed train of life, to stop the wheels from turning and slow down time so that they stay just as they are now.  They are smart, funny, beautiful, silly, moody, athletic, dramatic, loving, caring, creative, a gift that only God could have given.  But what am I missing? What moments have I lost forever never to gain back? What momentous occasions have been lost to work and schedule, or what little moments that seem trivial but resonate in our memories long after the moment has past by, have I missed by the pace and rush of life? These question have been needling me, at times haunting me as I see their transformation unfold.

I’ve also been listening to this new Rob thomas song. “Little Wonders” this past week. The song resonates with me at a number of different levels, but for this discussion its the chorus and my take on it that has captured my attention. Time is moving, its unstoppable, but its those little moments, those seemingly insignificant moments that turn into “little wonders” that last a lifetime.  And its those “small hours” that I have let slip by and that have determined to get back. Its time to stop and be present for those little moments that can mean a huge difference in our relationship as the girls get older and home seems less attractive then it once was. 

So, if your reading this and your one of our friends, family, co-workers etc. and I don’t race to the phone, door, appointment, commitment, I say ‘no’ more than ‘yes’, be patience. Life is made up of little moments, small hours, that I don’t want to miss anymore.  Moments that I want to experience with my daughters and my wife. They truly are the wonders that make up the small hours of my life, that remain long after the train of life rolls along and passes by.
