July Update

“I know you stay true when my world is false, everything around’s breaking down to chaos, I always see you when my sight is lost, everything around’s breaking down to chaos” 
(Mute Math, Chaos)

There is no better find than to find myself with you, In a fog you are all I see
I'm inviting you closer with each time I breathe, Surrender has somehow become so beautiful” 
(Mute Math, Control)

Updates, Updates, Updates....

1.  New Music: Mute Math.  Found them while browsing the other day. Love the combination of Coldplay/U2 sound with the infusion of synth, keyboards ala the 80’s. FYI check them out on iTunes and listen to the drummer!

2.  The Wizard of OZ. Sarah and Emily just completed a 2 week crash/rehearsal camp and performed in a production of The Wizard of Oz. Although a small production, it was well done and they had FUN.  It won’t be long before they replace Elaine and I on Sunday Mornings!

3.  White Rock Beach. It’s just not the summer without taking some time out and heading down to White Rock for some fish & chips and a stroll along the beach.  Relaxing and refreshing!  Always good for the soul. 

4.  Canada Day, Willoughby Style. It never fails that when you attend Jen and Jay’s house for Canada Day the Willoughby group will inevitably find their way into an all out water fight.  It always helps bring out the kid in me and reminds me that life should not be all serious and pretentious, FUN IS A NECESSITY. Grab your kid’s, nephew’s, kid down street’s water gun and have at it. You will thank me for it later!

5.  Sarah Turned 11.  When did my girls get so old, so quickly. Sarah is NOW 11. UHG. I am old and time flies by.  Happy Birthday Sarah!  Next time you see her you won’t be able to miss her, she’s the one with the sparkling new earrings in her ears! 

6.  Bring back the SUN!!!!!  As I write this the sun has once again disappeared behind a wall of clouds and rain, if this keeps up my jokes about Elaine and I moving to California are going to become a reality! If you have pictures of what the sun looks like please forward them our way.  I’m starting to forget.

Till next time...enjoy the sun if you can find it!
