“I’ve been given this one world, I won’t worry it away, but now and again I lose sight of the good life, I get stuck in a low light, but then Love comes in” Many the Miles - Sara Bareilles
Have no fear for giving in, Have no fear for getting older, You better know that in the end its better to say to much, Than to never to say what you need to say again...Say what you need to say” Say - John Mayer
Hello again. A new year, another chance to breath again, to live again, a chance to see the sunrises & sunsets yet to come and make new memories that will carry us through the years ahead. Here’s what we’ve been up to as we enter into 2008:
1. Skiing, the new family passion!! Well expect for one =8-P. I got the girls on the mountains a few times last year and they took to it immediately. This year with some new equipment for me and year under the girls ‘belts’, on many weekends you will find us up at Seymour or Hemlock Valley working on our carving or face plants, depending on the day. It may be gray and dreary down in the valley of Vancouver were we live, but all that goes away with a great day of skiing only minutes away. Vancouver has once again become a great place to live in my mind.
2. High School Musical. I guess each generation has their cheesy movie/musical so I should not be surprised by the girls love-affair with these movies, but I just don’t see what all the fuss is about. Never-the-less, Emily and Sarah have once again embarked an another season of musical theater, this time in...as you must have guessed by now...High School Musical. Acting rehearsals once a week, dance rehearsals once a week and five months of preparation should turn them into High School Musical drama queens. As they say in the biz..’break a leg’ girls.
3. Houses. You love your house when you first buy it, it’s shinny and new (at least to you). You dream up all sorts of ways to personalize it and ‘fix it up’ so it represents your own personality. What they forget to remind you is that houses are temperamental and once in awhile they decide to just...fall apart. In our case, much of the back fence has decided to call it day, the fridge and dishwasher last fall called in sick one day and then never showed back up to work. The stove just before christmas though it needed a holiday and figured christmas was the best time to take one. The sky light in our hallway, thought it could fly and proceeded to take a nose drive off the roof one rainy November day..thankfully a very kind hearted friend (Stacey B.) came over and installed the sky light back into place; turns out someone forgot to screw the thing in when they built the house, I mean, who really screws things like that in nowadays, thats old school thinking. Oh well, enough ranting...we really are very grateful for having a chance to own a house again after the condo fiasco a fews years back (I’ll save that story for another day). We actually were glad to spend some time fixing up the house, even finally got around to painting much of the upstairs and its finally starting to feel like our house. Come on over when you get a chance, the house may be a grump but the rest of us are more than happy to have friends come by.
4. New Music: Sara Bareilles...great chorus, arrangements and voice. Pop music done right. The whole album is good. Stick around for a few minutes and take a listen to the whole song, “Many the Miles”...then go buy the album. For $7.99 on iTunes its a bargain.
Talk to you again next month,