Fall Update (It's About Time!)

“There is a river that washes you clean. There is a tree that marks the places you’ve been. Blood that was spilled, although not your own. For all these things love will atone” - There is a River: Jars of Clay

It’s been awhile since we last came around.  During our absence life has moved along with a quickening pace as the year speeds towards its close.  This fall has brought a few significant changes to our life and schedule, yet things still remain familiar.   Since we lasted posted in July this might get a bit long winded...we apologies in advance. :-)

September, 2008

1. A Year off from Disney!!!  Well, it was bound to happened, as we came home in September from another great trip to Walt Disney World, we all turned to each other and realized that we had finally reached Disney saturation. We love going, the weather, the atmosphere, the distance from normal life back home, but it’s time for a break. Time to stretch our wings and fly off to new destinations.  A special thanks to the Greenough’s and Craig’s who came along for ride this year and made it fresh and fun.  

2. Back to School.  Quick recap...Sarah is now in GRADE 7 (Uhg) and Emily is  in GRADE 5.  12 and 10....man the years go by!  Both are excited about school this year, as they seem to have good teachers and best friends in the same class, in which to share the joys and sorrows of school.  To the girls... please remember in the midst of all the homework to have fun. 

3. SOCCER.  After years of of unrelenting requests, especially by Sarah to play soccer (which we have tried to avoid due to Sunday games), Elaine and I finally decided that we could no longer keep her from doing something she seemed so eager to be involved in.  And with that, we are now officially soccer parents.  From saturday to tuesday soccer predominates our schedule, as both girls now play for the Breakers Soccer Club.  Emily joined a great U11 house team with an excellent coach who has great patience and technique.  Sarah got thrown into a little more challenging situation joining a U13 house team with aspirations to move on up to silver next year and maybe gold the year after.  Of note,  one month in and other parents and coaches are telling us that the girls are natural athletes and seem to be picking up the game very quickly.   As for musical theater...even though Emily especially misses it, the year off will give them a chance to face new challenges. 

4. Our Boulevard is DONE!  3 Months later and the albatross that was our very large boulevard around the south side of our property has been completed.   With much help from Elaine’s brother Brian the area had new sod installed in a whirl wind 8 hours.  It has finally been transformed in a way that both fits the neighbourhood and our house, as well as being WAY EASIER to keep up.  I think the pictures to the right say it all.  (Click here for the full image story)

5. Do you like to run?  The girls do.  As if soccer where not enough, both Emily and Sarah decided that cross country running had to be conquered again this year.  Now both have been running cross country for a few years, but man are the girls now shape.  I’m not sure I could keep up with them, even half way.   They definitely have set the tone in the house and pushed Elaine and I to get in shape before forty takes hold next year.  Hey Emily and Sarah...thanks for the inspiration. 

October 2008

1. Getting in Shape.  So at the beginning of this month I had to take a business trip to Park City, Utah.  It was a great resort, similar to Whistler, with the fall colours over taking much of the surrounding hill side, very reminiscent of a Rockwell painting.   While I was away Elaine had determined that enough, was enough and that it was time ti get into shape.  By the time I had come home she had started an excellent exercise routine and determined that both of us needed to do so over the next 6 months.   So for this month’s update here is the quick and painful.  Elaine is doing much better than I am at the moment and its starting really show on her already.  As for myself, the competitive streak in me is starting to kick in and does not want to be outdone.  Maybe we should take before and after shots to keep a record of all of this.  Na...just watch the pictures over the next few months to see how the progress is going. And hey Elaine, excellent start...I am going to win though (in case you didn’t know that this was a competition) =8-)

2. Monthly Soccer update:  To date the girls have been progressing at a great pace.  They have been attending high performance training on Mondays and the skills they are learning are starting to show.  Emily has even been taking a stab at being the goalie for few 1/2 games this month.  So far her team was unlucky to have not won some of their early games, but as of this past Sunday they have finally come home with their first win.  As for Sarah, her team is on a two game winning streak and she is getting more and more comfortable   playing with her teammates.  By the way, her coach says she has wicked speed. 

3. Volleyball Anyone?  As if soccer was not enough, just as cross country ended for the year, next comes volleyball.  And with this, the girls have practices 4 times a week for volleyball on top of soccer. Now I played allot of school sports when I was young but man do these two have a taste for sport.  Oh well...at-least they are having fun (I think?).   Bye the way, in case I forgot to mention earlier, they are also finishing their swimming levels every Friday afternoon as well.  Oh to be young again. 

4. What are Elaine and I up to?...Hmm.  Well, Elaine is really enjoying working from home while getting paid very well from Telus.  It really is the best of all work situations for her.  As for Michael (me), the company will end off with its best year yet in-spite of all the economic troubles around the world.  Outside of this, there is nothing to tell as we have become the parents of all star athletes and spend our days and nights driving and shouting out support for them throughout the week. 

5. NEW MUSIC: Jars of Clay - Good Monsters.  Jars of Clay have been around for some time now.  After a number of albums moving in and out of styles and billboard success, I found this one this month.  It has a bit of the old meets new sound to it.  Head on over to iTunes and check the album out.  I especially recommend, “There is a River”, “Dead Man (Carry Me)” and “All My Tears”

Till Next Month...
