Christmas Time Is Here Again

“Christmas time is here, happiness and cheer, fun for all that children call, their favorite time of year...Christmas time is here, we’ll be drawing near, oh that we could see always see, such spirit through the year”  Christmastime Is Here: Jars of Clay

Do you feel the chill, the crisp winter air, the smell of cinnamon and spice, the sound of crackling from the glow of the fireplace, christmas time has once again arrived.   This is our favorite time of year and christmas joy would seem to have arrived early this year as we already have the lights, tree and decorations up throughout the house.   This past month seems to have slid buy fast and as such so will the update...ready..set..go...

1. Sarah and Emily:  Soccer, soccer and more soccer, oh and volleyball still consumes much of their time.  From all accounts and kind words from coaches and parents, the girls have quickly caught up and settled into their new soccer teams and positions.  Sarah has been placed as centre forward for the last month and has blossomed into quite the play maker.  I don’t know if they track direct assists but she has set up at-least 1 goal a game and 2 the last few games.  She as speed to burn as the coach says, now all she needs to learn is that she is allowed shoot and score.  Emily, seems has been bounced around a bit more as her team likes to move the kids around and give them different perspectives of the game, but she is shining bright as a right or left midfield when not taking turns in goal.   As for volleyball both where picked to play in a large tournament to end the season off and have been getting up earlier for volleyball practice and then coming home to head off to soccer.    And yes they make sure to get their homework done as both are very bright and want to continue as honor roll students (just in case you are wondering).

2. Elaine:  First off, when you next see her reminder Elaine how good she looks as she really has taken to this new fitness routine (and in the process put me to shame at the moment).   Second if you ever want to get in touch with her or just check out what she is up to, head on over to here facebook page.  She is often on there reuniting with old friends and keeping up to date with new ones. 

3. Michael:  Biggest thing this month was the week spent in Las Vegas. Not my most favorite place in the world and outside of a few good meetings with clients, a place I’d rather forget about.  Probably the most interesting part of the trip was missing our flight on Monday night (first time I have ever missed a flight) due to changes in our scheduled departure and having to find a hotel in Seattle till our re-scheduled 6 am flight left.  NO more bookings with Expedia!  

4. NEW Music Part 1: Jars of Clay: Christmas Time.  Christmas time is here, which means it’s time to listen to some of my favorite music. I had forgotten about picking this album up last year till I was dusting off the christmas music last week.  This is just a fun christmas album, especially Jars of Clay’s take on the old Charlie Brown christmas tune, “Christmas Time is Here”.   Head on over to itunes and pick up a copy, it will bring you the warm fuzzies (is this even word?) that come with the holidays.

 5. New Music Part 2.  Hillsongs United: This is Our God.  Until last months Jars of Clay album I reviewed, it had been quite some time since a Christian artist had attracted my attention and ear.  Even though I lead worship at Southside, it has even been longer since a worship album has taken on such listening power as this one has.  I am probably the last person to have found the United worship team but there is something about both their sound and lyrics that uplifts God, stirs in me the need to sing out to Jesus and reminds me just how much music can be a tool to connected us to Him.  We picked up the DVD and CD and the DVD has found a permeant home in our player at the moment.   I’m not going to suggested any favorites this time around as all of the songs have connected within me in some way throughout the month.   Take the time to give it a listen (click on the sample to left to start) and if you can pick the DVD do so, you won’t be disappointed. 
