March Update

“Any Time, Any Day, You Can Hear The People Say, That Love Is Blind, Well, I Don't Know, But I Say Love Is Kind” Listen to What the Man Said - Paul McCartney 

“Well, the rain exploded with a mighty crash as we fell into the sun, And the first one said to the second one there I hope you’re having fun. Band on the run, band on the run. And the jailer man and sailor sam were searching every one” Band on the Run - Paul McCartney

I grew up listening to my Dad’s favorite songs as a kid. I remember many days traveling in his Ford pick-up listening to Jan and Dean, the Beach Boys and the Beatles. I guess as time went on I adopted his same affection for Paul McCartney’s solo music as each of the Beatles struck out on their own.  Over the years, I’ve remained steadfast in my resolve that Paul’s always got the raw shaft from Beatles fans and critics who thought more highly of John Leanon and George Harison.  And thanks to iTunes carrying all of his albums (solo and with wings) digitally remastered, he sounds even better. Anyways, this months update is accompanied by a couple of Paul’s video and songs. Good Stuff.  

Well time to get to the update:

1. The winter that will never end! If you live in Canada then you have experienced the craziest, longest winter that I can remember.  It snows, it rains, it hails, in rains some more and then just when you think that March is almost over it snows some more.  UHG!  Even as a skiing family this winter has gotten to us and I once again long for warm temperatures and sunning locations.  Which leads me to our next topic...

2. California.  This spring break we had thought of planning all sorts of trips. The girls school district decided to take a full 2 weeks off so it gave us allot of options.  Once spring break came, we had decided to keep our late summer/September 2 week vacation which shorten the time we had together as a family this spring.  Then by the time Elaine and my spring break vacation started, we had intended to go to Victoria and spend some time on Vancouver Island.  However...the weather was going to be awful... i.e. snow! Next thing you know we gathered up the family, packed up our Escape and drove down to California again to spend time in the sun and heat.  What a great trip!  Once we made it through the rain of Washington state and reached southern Oregon the sun came out and and the joy of a last minute road trip took over.  We found a great place to stay over night outside of Stockton in California, enjoyed some of the California scenery and survived the traffic of LA.  No Buckingham Family trip would be complete without a trip to a Disney park and even though we spend each September in Disney World, Disneyland still has a captivating atmosphere.  

We then spent a day in Hunting Beach. What a great place. Laid back, sunny, warm, surfing, great beaches, great restaurants...we had a great time together, even renting a 4 person bike/carriage and riding it down the beach walk way towards to Newport Beach.  Eventually we spent a few hours in Newport and laid on sand and soaked up some more California sun.   They day wet our appetite for more of the area, and we have already begun working on staying for a much longer time next  year.   

After a few more days in Anaheim it was time to head back home.  Lots of great time together as a family.  No fighting amongst the girls, parents getting along, kids and parents getting along and having fun together.  The temperature stayed above 75 all week with not a cloud in the sky. A great trip to remember.

Bye the way, we called back home and sure enough, it was snowing and below 0.  Viva la road trip!

Well thats the highlights for this month.  Look for Elaine to finally add her thoughts to the blog by next month.

Till next time...
