What must through a dogs mind when he just sits and stares?
Its been awhile. Lots of life just consuming up time and leaving little for the website. Its been too long in between post so its time for the update....
1. Anniversaries: May brought with it Elaine and my 17th year together married. Add to that, 1 year of dating and 2 years of a lengthy engagement and we have been together now for over 20 years. And while there have been ups and downs, I wouldn’t give back any of those years. Elaine truly is my best friend and brings out the best in me. Here’s a toast to the last 17 years and many, many more to come.
2. HSM in May: For those wondering HSM stands for High School Musical and it is this springs musical theater that the girls are in. We are into the home stretch of rehearsals and I think the girls are getting restless to try out more in -depth roles and styles. At-least every Wednesday for three hours you know were to find them. Still, being in musical theater has been a great opportunity for fun and development. They definitely will surpass Elaine and my musical abilities as they get older.
3. May: Performing. If Musical theater was not enough. Emily and Sarah had this great idea to go to their first open auditions for casting directors in Vancouver. While it didn't turn out to be all that they thought (it was a well known casting agency and school, looking for new talent, that happens to work with Disney) they got to experience the fun of waiting for hours to have their turn being interviewed and then cold reading lines in front of a camera. Emily even got a call back for a second audition into the school (which turned out to really be the pitch for the $3000-$5000.00 per year the school would cost). It did offered great discussions about what the girls would like to tryout in terms of performing and acting. Who knows you may be seeing them on the silver screen some time in the future. Oh..and if acting was not enough, they decided to work on their cheerleading every Monday as well. They just can’t get enough of the lights and stage.
4. Mother’s Day. When you are younger you think your parents have nothing but pain and suffering in mind for you. Curfews, chores, discipline, make your bed, brush your teeth, clean your room, do your homework etc. But you know what, Mom B and Mom T are great moms that had a thankless job raising us and survived, actually they helped us survive and truly only lavished us with love and had our best interest at heart. Here’s to our Moms, Happy Mothers Day!...thanks for all the love and support. And to Elaine, your are the best wife and mother going, thanks for loving us the way you do!
5. June: Track and Field 2008. This year Emily and Sarah both made the team and the Buckingham girls represented the Don Christian Wildcats with great pride and excitement. Each were part of winning heats and even brought home some new ribbons to add to their memory boxes. Congratulations!
6. Father’s Day: They say I’m looking like my dad more and more, and while some days I groan at the suggestion, I have a great father. There have been lots of bridges to cross together and lots of water to run under those bridges but he has always been there. Much of who I am is because of him, so heres to you Dad, Happy Father Day! (This is also in memory of Don, Elaine dad, who left us to soon...we will see you again soon)
7. June - HSM Part 2: The girls finally performed High School musical this month. I try not to be a “homer” parent, but the girls are really developing as performers. Elaine and I love watching them on stage, and they really are some of the best out there. Great Job Sarah and Emily... your ‘Tony’ awaits you!
8. More Gushing....School is now done and Elaine and I are the proud parents of two ‘full year’ (all three grading terms) Honor Role students. Sarah also was given an award for athleticism. The best complements/awards as well have come from the Principle who says she thinks very highly of the girls and Sarah’s teacher who told us at the HSM performance that the grade 7 teachers were fighting over which one was going to have Sarah in their class. Great job Sarah and Emily, your mom and I our extremely proud of you!
9. NEW MUSIC: COLDPLAY! They took their time but Coldplay’s new album is out and frankly it’s the best they've done. I wasn’t sure they would pull off toping X&Y but VIVA La VIDA is a superb album and a must have for any music lover.
Till next month....