July Update

“Just when you think that you're in control, just when you think that you've got a hold, just when you get on a roll, here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again. 
Oh, here it goes again. I should have known, should have known, should have known again, but here it goes again. Oh, here it goes again.” (Here It Goes Again, OK GO)

Summer in Vancouver, there is no better city to live when the sun is out, the weather is warm and those long summer days and nights roll on.  With school out the girls are looking for things to keep them going, and Elaine and I begin to count the days till our holidays.  Well on with update:

1. When I was Twelve: You know I can’t remember much from when I was twelve but I know Sarah will remember her 12th birthday.  10 girls running around the house, dancing till the night was almost the morning.  All of them slept in one massive heap in the living room and looked like they had been run over by a bus in the morning.  Oh to be young and live off the adrenaline of being alive. Happy Birthday Sarah!  Let this one linger, all the nonsense of being a teenager is just around the corner. 

2. The BIG Boulevard reno:  So if you have ever been to our house you can’t miss the wreck that has been the south edge boulevard on our property.  Left to be fixed by some hapless homeowner by the original developer, this area has been the bane of our house ownership.  Weeds infested the area, protected by a million river rocks and ridiculously oversized junipers.  The fence along this area had rotted long before we came along and was falling apart in front of our eyes, leaving gaping holes for Gizmo to escape and take his revenge on the neighbours cat. SO...Elaine finally had enough and the reno has begun, to date the fence had been replaced (not a bad job by Brian and I either), the rocks and junipers have been removed, some new tress have been planted and a garden has been brought in.  We have just to place the sod and we are done (since we are leaving soon for vacation we are going to leave this part till September).  Congratulations to the next people who might own the house if we ever move, you will never know just what we went through all these years.

3. AIA Soccer Camps:  So this month amongst the various things the girls are doing to enjoy the summer is the yearly summer AIA Soccer camps.  AIA really does know how combine sports, ministry and fun for kids.  Both the girls have been having great time and Sarah currently holds the juggling record with 40 straight.  It may be time to break down and join the weekend soccer brigade.  

4. Summer fun activities: Here is the current list of summer activities that girls can not do with out.   #5 Basketball, Soccer sports in general with the neighbourhood kids, #4 Bike rides (everyday Emily can be heard asking “can we go for a bike ride”, #3 Late night bedtime *they have perfected the art of staying up as late as possible #2 Swimming, any pool will do! And the number one summer activity: Disney vacations (Emily’s is really starting to get excited about going back to WDW again next month)

5. iPhone: Just a quick shout out to the techie side of life around here. I recently got one of the new iphones and it really has been a hit in the house. The girls are constantly finding ways to get a hold of it and play around with the thing...and you know its a pretty darn good phone as well.

6. NEW MUSIC: Ok Go. This month we have Ok Go on the menu.. I found them one night rummaging around You Tube when I stumbled on to their video for “Here It Goes Again”.  Completely original, which is hard to do these days. It took me awhile to get around to getting the latest album, but I am hooked.  As always, enjoy.
