January Update

“And this is my prayer in the battle, When triumph is still on it's way, I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ, So firm on His promise I'll stand...And I will bring praise, I will bring praise, No weapon formed against me shall remain, I will rejoice, I will declare, God is my victory and He is here”  Desert Song - Brooke Fraser

Winter has been in full swing here.  Colder temperatures have lingered and more snow than I can remember as fallen this year.  Combined with the long winter nights, for some, this can be a tough time of year.  However, this year joy, hope, gladness seem to be enduring and helping to drive away the winter blues.    Here what has been going on for the past while.

1. Family...Over the holidays we had a chance to have a family gathering of a rather unique kind for my side of the world.  Rarely does my family get together and it has been years since my brothers and sister, along with my parents, gathered for dinner (without our kids) and interacted.  I am never quite sure what the combination of all of us will do when placed in close proximity but it was a great night!  My parents for days afterwards would tell of how every child called and thanked them for setting up the dinner and saying what a great time they had with each other.  It was a reminder for me that I have good family and for all our ups and downs we really do care for one other.  It was also a great way to start off Christmas and hopefully it will be just the beginning of new things to come for us all. 

2. Friends...You know, you really can never do without a group of really good friends to hang out with and know they have your back.  Lately we have had the chance to spend time with a few people who have become really close to our family and all I can say is thanks and we love you. It’s the same with Sarah and Emily, they have been able to develop some fantastic friendships this year with a few kids from school who are good solid people and even think that Elaine and I are the “cool” parents of the group.  How bad can they be hey!

3. Skiing...Our monthly updates around this time inevitably have some comment about our passion for skiing.  With another year under their belt the girls are becoming really good skiers.  This year has also brought us to the point of needing to replace their ski equipment as they both have grown out their original gear.  Even though we had to move them into larger and more advanced equipment they haven’t skipped a beat and will soon be leaving me behind on the mountains.  Anyways, the weather has turned for the better this past month and has brought another good year of skiing.  If you are ever in the neighborhood come and meet us at the summit of Seymour every friday in February for some west coast fun.  It helps keep the long winter season blues at bay. 

4. MUSIC: For this month Chris Tomlin is on deck.  For awhile there I was beginning to wane on his music.  I just felt everything was sounding the same and that it would be good to have some fresh voices step up into the christian worship music world.  But his latest album, Hello Me, has some good songs that the church can use in corporate worship.  “Jesus Messiah” is a good sample of what you will find on the album.  As always head on over to itunes and pick up the entire album, you’ll be glad you did. 

Till next time
