One Last Summer Ride before our Vacation

This mornings ride went off without a hitch.  The pace was slower, but no one gets left behind when we are training for Octobers 100km "Ride for Refugees".   Rob, Jay (see picture below) and myself managed to maneuver around the cars, bridge deck and traffic lights to get in a good ride today (1500+ calories burned is not bad either). Jay actually held is own since today was the first 30+km ride he has done. 

One thing is for certain, I hate riding in the city. There are to many roads being torn up to add more and more services for the ever expanding neighborhood around us (not good when riding on tinny high performance road tires).  As well, only a few of the main roads have shoulders that can accommodate cyclist and cars simultaneously.  But once we reached the country side, the cars disappeared and the road became more open and ridable.  I must say that I have been spoiled riding in Penticton and throughout the BC interior this summer!

Well, next up is 3 weeks worth of running as the bike gets hung up in the rafters and we take flight to Florida.  I managed to pull off a couple 10km in 55mins runs this past July but the goal is 10km in 45min, so vacation or not, I still have the 'Sun Run' 10km, half marathon and possibly a city triathlon to work towards for next spring while away. 

Michael  =8-)

Michael uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone 3G and is sharing with you the following track: Note the app crashed again so the map only has 37km worth of trail. Its seems as though it reaches the 2 hour mark or 45km mark and crashes. I will have to figure this once I get back) 

Date: 2009-08-15 7:12 am
Distance: 50.3 kilometers
Elapsed Time: 2:11:29
Avg Speed: 24.2 km/h
Max Speed: 44.9 km/h
Avg Pace: 03' 29" per km
Min Altitude: 0 m
Max Altitude: 79 m
Start Time: 2009-08-15 T:14:12:40
Start Location:  Latitude: 49.118007º N  Longitude: 122.702956º W
End Time: 2009-08-15T16:24:09Z
End Location:  Latitude: 49.117627º N  Longitude: 122.703258º W