WDW 2010 First Half

Well Hello all. This year our trip has been a bit strange with the shorter time frame, rainy days and the over night flight that seem to wreck havoc on all of us for the first few days. Things have now settled down to the familiar fun and relaxation that keeps us coming back year after year. However, this year I have not posted more regular updates as the internet is expensive in WDW and thus a luxury for this years budget, so here are some of our observations, musings and stories that may be of interest.

1. Overnight flying...not again! So I thought it would be a better way to get as much time here as possibly since we shortened this years trip down by 4 days and take the over night flight from Seattle to Orlando. Thinking that the 5 1/2 hour flight would give us about the same amount of sleep that our more traditional morning flights do (since the girls never sleep the night before), this flight would the start of all our future flying arrangements. WRONG! No one slept more than 3 hours, just like Elaine predicted, and worse off Sarah got really sick during the flight. Once we landed our room was not quite ready so our first few hours where spent wandering Animal Kingdom half asleep while praying that the resort would call any second and tell us our room was now available. So DAY 1: lost to sleep, sickness and RAIN (more on that later).

2. Gray Skies and Rain...hey we could have just stayed home??? It's been wet here this year, more so than any other year we have come. In the past we counted on experiencing 2 wash out days to rain and a couple afternoon or early evening monsoons but this year it has rained everyday. Most times quite hard and for long periods. The last 3 days have started off with sun/clouds which is more like normal but by noon onward the skies start to darken and you know the rain is coming. Now what is different is that back home when it rains it's also cold, here is stays warm! However, walking around the Magic Kingdom in a lighting storm while it's down pouring is just not that much fun, unless your name is Emily, then it's almost more fun then when the sun is shining.

Quick bites:
1. Typhoon lagoon is the best water park in the world and should be part of everyones experience down here.
2. The best buffet, hands down, is BOMAS at the Animal Kingdom Lodge.
3. The SUM OF ALL THRILLS at Epcot is worth the wait, especially when you make a roller coster go as fast and high as the program will allow!
4. Always rent a car! Worth every penny we spend on it.
5. Emily has been bitten by the VINYLMATION bug. UHGGGGG. :-)
6. The rooms have been updated at POP Century Resort, and it's a great value, but it's time to change resorts and try something new. Animal Kingdom or Wilderness Lodge...hmmmm??
7. Get to the MAGIC KINGDOM early one day and experience the opening ceremony and then 2-3 hours of riding bliss!

Well that's it for now, I will try for another post before heading home mid week.
