Game: Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary (White) versus Fleetwood Park (Green)
Location: Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary
Final Score: LTSS 57 - Fleetwood 47
Sarah Buckingham #15 (White)
Game 2 of their season home and away series, Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary came away with a another win against Fleetwood Park to secure third place in their division heading into the Fraser Valley Championships. LTSS lead through each quarter, and received balanced scoring throughout the team once again. After a big push by Fleetwood in the remaining mins of the 3rd quarter to bring the game back with reach, the teams went back forth through much of 4th quarter. However, LTSS pulled away in final 3.5 mins to complete their second win over Fleetwood in the last week. Sarah ended the game with 21 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists.
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