Game: Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary (Green) versus Fleetwood Park (White)
Location: Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary
Final Score: LTSS 43 - Fleetwood 55
Sarah Buckingham #15 (Green)
Somehow these two teams meet once more in the critical 3 round of the Fraser Valley Championships, unfortunatley Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary was unable to come away with one more victory against Fleetwood Park and their season came to a close. Fleetwood lead through each quarter, and although the tables were turned this game with LTSS creating moments of push back, Fleetwood maintained their lead throughout. LTSS #12 Sam Frketich put in a good effort scoring 14 points and in her last game of High School Basketball Sarah ended with 24 points (including 4/8 x 3 point shots) and 7 rebounds.
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