Well the day has finally come, we are siting in the Seattle airport waiting for our flight to begin. Walt Disney World here we come! Since we are going to board soon here is a quick story. On our way through the border they ask you who you are, where your going etc. As they are looking at Elaine’s passport the guard notices that she has not signed her passport, which makes it in valid until she does so...UGH #1. Nice man, lets us through but tells us that she needs to sign it ASAP! Next he asks if we have any meat, fruit, citrus to which we say NO. He waves us through and off we go to Seattle. Well as we are driving along the I5 highway, the girls get hungry and ask if we have anything to eat. Elaine, being a well prepared Mom, says yes and proceeds to get the girls a snack from her purse along with the PLUM she was carrying the whole time through the border...UGH #2. Oh well, we made it through, had a great sleep at the Red Lion last night and are now about to take the girls on their 1st ever plane ride. UP, UP and AWAY WE GO!