Well we are made it. DISNEY WORLD! Man this place is big, bigger then I remember it when Bruce and Iwhere here last year. We are staying at the Pop Century Resort because our original resort had shut down one of the main pools..not good for water girls like ours. The resort is HUGE and classic Disney themed all over. Everything went off with out a hitch. The flights went well (Emily got scared for the first 10mins before we took off and then settled down once we were in the air). Disney Magical Express was waiting for us and other families when we got off the plane. Check-in was a breeze (although a little understaffed when we arrived at 11pm!). Our initial room was way off to the side, so they moved us to a much better location the next day. We visited the Magic Kingdom Today and wow...the place is big, especially when you are trying to maneuver a whole family about. The girls took on SPACE MOUNTAIN, BIG THUNDER MOUNTAIN & PRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN as well as an assortment of other rides, later this week we will pick up where we left off. Before leaving the park for the day we also had diner with WINNIE THE POOH AND FRIENDS (see the pics below) and watched the SPECTRO MAGIC PARADE and WISHES FIREWORKS (these were fantastic!). Bedtime has been rather late around here these past few days so I will sign off for now. Till our next entry...Have a Magical Day!