Ok, ok. It’s been awhile. Actually as I looked back it has been almost 8 months since we posted an updated on the family website and then only once for 2010. Everyone, including me, just kind of abandoned our family website and took to Facebook with a vengeance. Add to that, some dabbling on twitter and trying to get a POSTEROUS account going (the ease of use for posting is far superior to apple iweb, which I can’t believe was still not update for use on the iphone...sorry I digress) and the dust around here got pretty thick. It’s sad really. There was some pretty good stuff that happened throughout the year and did not get documented on our “family journal” (that’s what the website really is for us). In any event, with the site revamp comes a new year and a new start of the family journal/blog. At some point I’ll attempt to try and rebuild the old blog posts to match the new site, but until then, just clink on ‘2006-2010 old archive’ on the blog’s front page or click on the ‘previous’ button below to read the all of the old posts.
As for today, “it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life” (as Michael Buble would sing) for the family blog. I think that there will be lots of material, stories and news from the family’s life around here over the coming months to ensure that we once again keep this train rolling (lot’s of cliches today).
The next big updated will be at the beginning of February and should be quite interesting as Sarah (and to a lesser extent Emily) trying wading through Club Soccer, Club Volleyball and High School basketball while keeping up their grades. I for one am eagerly awaiting to see how this all plays out. I will also be travelling to Europe for the first time in late January for work, so there should be some interesting tales to tell out of that trip as well.
As always, for Elaine’s daily thoughts head to FACEBOOK...and hey...who every you are that takes the time to read this little family journal please post a comment. It would be great to know who came to visit.
=8-) Michael