If you have found your way here to our new humble online home, WELCOME. Over the years our family website has changed and evolved through various layouts, looks and purpose. Over time it has finally settled down to become our online family history or family journal, as this area of the site is titled. Some may ask why even have a family website, especially with online sites such as Facebook so firmly used by many of our family and friends? Well simply put, this is my way (Michael) of trying to collect and record the various moments in time of our family as we grow and age. Some people scrapbook, others collect multiple hard photo albums, but for us, this is was the easiest method to keep a family record or history, which I believe will be especially important in the years to come when looking back will be as important to us as looking forward.
For most of you, it's more than likely that you have never stopped by here and so a new "look" or "home base" may mean little, but for us and especially for myself, it has been a labour of love and hate. One of the reasons it was so easy to start a website, long before Facebook took over our house and probably yours as well, was because Apple Inc. made it so easy to build and maintain one. They produced great software for free and created a great online location to store and display the site for a reasonable cost. The problem is, it was also propriety, meaning that the site could never easily be changed and moving it to another platform or online "host" was impossible. Recently Apple announced a whole new program for providing online products, which no longer included hosting websites or updating their website software, and so the search was on for a new place to host the site and likely a new way to build and maintain it. Thus the hate part, having to rebuilding our site from the ground up...this has not been fun but in fact a very laborious in-devour. However, the love part has been slowly going back through all the old blogs, from monthly and yearly moments to our travel blogs, and remembering all that has happened over the last 6 years since the site was first published.
So thanks for for stopping by. The new site has some cool innovations that will make it easier for us to update and maintain more regularly. Not everything has been brought over yet, so check back and you will eventually find all our online family history in the months to come back up and running. And, thankfully, this new site should be much more easy to move, if it ever has to again.