Jan- Feb 2011


Well its just a s few days away from March and so much has happened around here that I know I will end up leaving something out.  There have been trips around the world, championships won, and a number of changes around here worth noting.  Grab a coffee as this could take some time. 

  1. 1.  Michael’s Trips:  This year has been a series of trips that have had me out of the house and the road every 2nd week.  1st up was a Big White Skiing Trip in the middle of January. Great weather, great snow and good fun.  I even tried to snow board and thankfully I am still here to tell the tail...although never again!  Next up was a work trip to Holland, Belgium and France.  I had always been on of my travelling dreams to head to Europe and although it was only one 8 days it was an experience I won’t soon forget.  The highlights are probably visiting the three big cities we spent time in, Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris.  Next up was a trip back down to Salt Lake City, UT for a dealer factory tour that included snowmobiling. Then back to Toronto for the National Home Show and 5 days of consumer sales for our cover systems.  Back home for a week and then back down to Downtown Vancouver for another week of home show work.  Spring break just can not come soon enough this year.

  2. 2.New church:  It took along time for us to make the decision to no longer attend Southside. We had been part of the church life there for almost 14 years and over the years have made some really good friends.  There are many great ministry memories that we take with us and over the years our faith has developed in the process.  But as the life of our family changed, it was time to move on and find a new church home that was able to connect with our whole family and not just Elaine and I.  It never is easy saying goodbye but as the fall and winter of 2010 have passed bye, we have felt more and more sure that God has had hand in this move.  We are now currently attending Parkland Fellowship, where the girls are attending the youth and we are enjoying being part the community there.  It will be interesting to see what God as in store this year.

  3. 3.Schedule changes: As the girls have grown up and changed so has our family schedule.  This spring will be know for the craziness that has been the past few months and the daily activities that have kept us on the go.  Sarah started club volleyball, high school basketball, continued her club soccer schedule and then started attending Parklands youth program.  Emily added Volleyball, school basketball, Parklands Jr. youth program and spring skiing to hers, on to club soccer.  With my travel schedule I have no I idea how Elaine has been able to keep up with all of it.  But she HAS!  Having two active teenagers in the house has been a transition over the last few years that we had quite the time sorting out. But, the sports and activities that they are involved in, have kept them healthy and out of trouble.  Even more so, they are both so talented and smart that both Elaine and I believe God has a plan to use these talents for his purpose in the coming years.

  4. 4.Championships & Basketball: This year Sarah’s school was intent on running only a grade 10 team and the grade 9 girls were likely going to be given the year off and told to try again next year when they entered grade 10 themselves.  Thankfully some very talented teachers, Mr. Jones and Miss. Campbell, heard about this and step up to create an all girls grade 9 team.  Both of the coaches not not only were intent on running the team, but with Miss Campbell's experience playing for the Canadian Women's National Basketball Team and Mr. Jones understanding of the players and their strengths, the team has developed and blossomed into a powerhouse.  They have won a number of tournaments this year, made it to the city finals and just this week won the Regional Fraser Valley Championships.  Not bad for a team that know-one wanted to see put together.  They are off to the Provincial Championships now and it will be fun to see just how far they can go in the tournament against the best in the province.  As for Sarah personally, along the way she has been given a number of player tournament awards, MVP awards and in the Fraser Valley Championships was named the regional MVP.  

  5. 5.This and that:  Emily is now the tallest female in the house and now stands 5ft 7.5in...and she is only 12!  Max is finally starting to settle down, not so many “mistakes around the house”, but still hates and moving thing that he sees go by when you take him for a walk.  It was sad to hear of the fire that did server damage to Delta Cedar, were I grown up working for many years through high school and early university.  Finally, as I sit here it’s February 27 and there is snow on the ground, this is Vancouver where it rains not snows.

Till next month.

=8-) Michael