And the birthday’s just keep rolling along. Happy Birthday to the best Mom and Wife in the world, Elaine!
Happy Birthday Emily!
Make sure to wish Emily happy birthday when you see her as she is now officially 8!
Reminiscing About July & Fireworks
Its almost half done, gone, a fading memory. Can you believe its August already. The summer clothes have left the stores and been replaced by the fall “trends”. Costco now has Halloween and Christmas decorations for sale!?? Uhg......Anyways, come August a Vancouver tradition has been the Vancouver Fireworks competition, which got me reminiscing about last month and the Canada Fireworks in Surrey we went to. I had forgotten that I took some video of the fireworks on Brian’s handy little Pentax S4, so here is a clip from the last minute of the show. Hmm..maybe if we get to the fireworks this weekend for Emily’s birthday I might take video of the whole show on the mini-DV.
A Bit of Catching Up
Its been awhile since we lasted posted but things have been a bit hectic around here. As summer is in full swing I thought a quick update on what summer will be like around the Buckingham household is in order. Since we are not going on holidays until our Walt Disney World trip in October most of the summer will be spent with family and friends around Vancouver. The girls are in a number of soccer of camps this summer, and late this summer I will be moving the company office to our suite in the house we bought last year. Elaine’s taking a week off each month (she gets more weeks off then I do this year) and the rest of summer will be spent around home so don’t hesitate to call or drop by.
Happy Birthday Sarah!
Happy Birthday to Sarah who has now officially reached double digits, a decade, the big 10!
Pentax S4 Movie Mode - Luke & Band
I thought I would post this quick demo of the movie mode on our Pentax S4 we are using because of the kindness of Elaine’s brother Brian. It shows a good friend of ours, Luke and his band, playing at our monthly neighborhood coffee house. As always, enjoy!
Sarah's Track & Field: Part 2 - District Meet
Today Sarah was part of the district Track & Field meet, and although the meet was canceled half way through, she still had fun! Sarah was schedule to run the 80m, 600m, High Jump, 4X100 (Anchor), Medley (200m Anchor). After placing 6th in the 600m (24 competitors), she finished 1st in her qualifying heat and 6th in the finals of the girls 80m. While the afternoon events where rained out, her school still did well and looks to have a solid track team for next year. Check back later this weekend in the video section for clips from the two track meets this past week.
Sarah's Track and Field: Part 1 - Mini Meet
We have News! Today Sarah had her the first of two track and field meets. This afternoon’s was a mini-meet (no field events), in which she was schedule to run the 80m, 600m and Medley (200m Anchor). Sarah started off the meet by finishing 2nd in the 80m, then after stopping on the track around the 325m point in the 600m (she developed a bad cramp in her side) and with the entire field (12 girls) having passed her she came back over the last 225m to finish 4th in her heat. To top off the day, 15min after running the 600m she anchored the girls Tike Medley team to first place, beating her nearest competitor by more than 6 seconds.
Yeh Sarah!