New Life Into a Little Used Standbye

Picked up a new iPhone app called CAMERA+ ( It has just about everything you need to make the poorly designed iPhone 3G(S) camera actually usefull. The app has been especially handy in removing the many blury pictures taken on the phone due to the stabilization feature that is built into the CAMERA+ software. It also has a number of neat editing fixes and effects to spruce up your pictures. Now if I could just take photos like my friend JohnSantic! (



4 Cities in 1 Ride

Michael uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone 3G or 3GS and is sharing with you the following track:

Comment: Finally great weather!! Cloverdale to Cresent Beach to White Rock to Langley back to Home.
Name: 4 Cities, 1 Ride
Date: 2010-06-12 8:47 am
Distance: 58.7 kilometers
Elapsed Time: 2:19:01
Avg Speed: 25.3 km/h
Max Speed: 59.8 km/h
Avg Pace: 02' 22" per km
Min Altitude: 0 m
Max Altitude: 93 m
Start Time: 2010-06-12  T:15:47:09Z
Start Location:  Latitude: 49.117357º N  Longitude: 122.703073º W
End Location:  Latitude: 49.117831º N  Longitude: 122.703155º W

WDW 2009 Day 1-3

Three days in and everyone is already tired and sleeping the day away as I right this. Okay, it’s only 8:30am and we told the girls they could get up late today...around 9am.  Today is a free theme parks...or, as we call it...water park day!  We never go for more than 2 days in a row before shutting down and heading to one of the 2 top rated water parks in the world they have here.  Typhoon Lagoon is our family’s unanimous choice and today should be a good one with temperatures in the 90’s and the sun expected to stay out until late this afternoon.  Let see now...what have we been doing so far...

1. WATER. This year has been the year of getting wet. Day 1 started off with Elaine and Emily getting thoroughly soaked on Splash Mountain. We have gotten wet on the ride before, but I have never seen one of us come off THAT WET!  Sarah and I were laughing our heads off!! Emily was having a blast and Elaine actually never said one bad thing and was ok with it (though she was a bit uncomfortable for about 30 minutes til she started to dry off).  Day 2 at Animal Kingdom, and this time we came prepared to get soaked on the Kalli River Rapids.  Armed with our Disney ponchos that have seen us through many a water ride and rain storm, Emily decided to roll the dice and not use the “upper” part of the poncho thinking it would be good to get wet since the humidity was starting creep up. Elaine, Sarah and I, however, ‘geared up’ for what lay head. The results...Emily dry, Michael dry, Elaine’s front half soaked once again, Sarah completely soaked down her entire back side (head to toe) seems her poncho developed a large tear in it while on the ride.  Water just seems to find its way to Elaine and the girls.

2. WEATHER: The first few years we came down to Florida they had been experiencing a drought and so we just took it for granted that each day would be filled with bright sunshine and hot temperatures. Once in a while, it would rain just a few minutes in the afternoon and maybe one day would be a rain out.  Last year, we experienced a couple of heavy rain days and but still mainly sunny. This year has been something different, each morning we wake up and head out in the bright Florida sun, clouds swirl around but blue sky and sun win out. By early afternoon, the clouds have come in and the sun does its best to break through.  By 4pm, black clouds show up and the random storms begin. And, because this place is so big, one part of Disney World can experience blue skies all day while the other part gets hit with thunderstorms for most of the afternoon.  The best example of this was yesterday in Animal Kingdom.  3pm the clouds roll in, 3:30pm, the rain came and came and came, people were hiding underneath shelters every where they could looking like the rain would melt them away.  Us west coasters just took it in stride and headed off to the other side of the park.  4pm rain is done...for now.  6:30pm another storm is brewing and the wind is picking up. Its the end of the day so we head out of the park to go back to our resort for a swim.   We decided to use the parking lot train and sit for about 10mins as the driver waits to pick up a full load...all the while you can see the clouds moving in.  And then...WAM! Down comes the rain...BIG TIME RAIN...with a wind. As the driver starts to pull away, the wind starts blasting everyone on the tram with the rain (the trams are open air with just a roof over the seats). People are scrambling to get anything they can to use to help keep dry and the family in front of us have ponchos but can’t make them work.  Every time the tram turned a corner the, the wind and rain would get even worse and you’d think we were on another Disney water ride.  The best, though, was that as we hit the parking lot, the rain somehow got heavier. As we began a mad dash to our car, laughing the whole time at what’s happening, everyone else is jumping off the tram and running as if to save their lives...yelling, ”AHHHHHHH, AHHHHHHHH, ITS RAINING, AHHHHHHHHH etc.” You would have thought people we dying out there in the parking lot!  Elaine almost got caught in her uncontrollable laughing fits from everyones nonsense.  Just another day here in Florida this year.

3. RANDOM THOUGHTS...Parks visited so far: Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and Typhoon Lagoon. The FREE DP food continues to be enough to feed 2 families.  Lighting storms can be just as fun as watching a fireworks show, especially when the bolts are lighting up what seems like a mile or more of skyline.  When the humidity hits, it’s great to find the slow, under-used air-conditioned attractions to hang out in for awhile.  Walking a Disney theme park can rack up alot of miles; the pedometer has been reading 18,000 steps or 18km each day.

Late night ADDITION: 

1. When attending a water park it’s best to go back for a second round of sun skin protection, especially if your name is Michael and you do not normally spend 6 hours swimming out in the sun (I am writing this after coming back from the water park today with a burn that has gotten worse as the evening has come upon us). 

2. Finally, everyone should, at-least one time, attend Disney World's Cirque Du Soleil: La Nouba. We went this evening and it was fantastic (we saved all of our loose change and birthday money throughout the past year for spending money and decided to use a portion of it going to La Nouba). It was worth giving up some snacks and t-shirts for!

Time to hit the hay and get some sleep. Tomorrow, we are back at the theme parks and the long miles of walking that come with it. 

Till next we meet...have a magical day.


One Last Summer Ride before our Vacation

This mornings ride went off without a hitch.  The pace was slower, but no one gets left behind when we are training for Octobers 100km "Ride for Refugees".   Rob, Jay (see picture below) and myself managed to maneuver around the cars, bridge deck and traffic lights to get in a good ride today (1500+ calories burned is not bad either). Jay actually held is own since today was the first 30+km ride he has done. 

One thing is for certain, I hate riding in the city. There are to many roads being torn up to add more and more services for the ever expanding neighborhood around us (not good when riding on tinny high performance road tires).  As well, only a few of the main roads have shoulders that can accommodate cyclist and cars simultaneously.  But once we reached the country side, the cars disappeared and the road became more open and ridable.  I must say that I have been spoiled riding in Penticton and throughout the BC interior this summer!

Well, next up is 3 weeks worth of running as the bike gets hung up in the rafters and we take flight to Florida.  I managed to pull off a couple 10km in 55mins runs this past July but the goal is 10km in 45min, so vacation or not, I still have the 'Sun Run' 10km, half marathon and possibly a city triathlon to work towards for next spring while away. 

Michael  =8-)

Michael uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone 3G and is sharing with you the following track: Note the app crashed again so the map only has 37km worth of trail. Its seems as though it reaches the 2 hour mark or 45km mark and crashes. I will have to figure this once I get back) 

Date: 2009-08-15 7:12 am
Distance: 50.3 kilometers
Elapsed Time: 2:11:29
Avg Speed: 24.2 km/h
Max Speed: 44.9 km/h
Avg Pace: 03' 29" per km
Min Altitude: 0 m
Max Altitude: 79 m
Start Time: 2009-08-15 T:14:12:40
Start Location:  Latitude: 49.118007º N  Longitude: 122.702956º W
End Time: 2009-08-15T16:24:09Z
End Location:  Latitude: 49.117627º N  Longitude: 122.703258º W


Penticton to Oliver BC and Back

Great day, survived the ride.  My GPS app crashed again half way through, but at-least this time I completed the first half before it did (see stats below), so total ride was 81km from Penticton to Tinhorn Creek Winery, Oliver, BC.  

Although its warm up here, leaving at 6:30am helped as the wind was light and 70% of the road was in shade to Oliver.  I am still working on getting consistently above 30km on the road (climbs and all) but at-least with each ride my time is improving.  

The second half was completely different and difficult. The wind kicked up around 8:30am and the ride from Oliver back to Ok falls was like riding up hill for 22km straight.  It's also slightly more "uphill" going back then coming, which would have been fine if not for the "wind tunnel" I was riding in. 1/3 of the way from OK falls to Penticton there is an approx. 3km uphill grade that took out my legs and the last 13km or so I was riding with "dead weight" in my legs trying to fight the gust of wind coming off Skaha Lake right at me. 

Thankfully I am once again standing and walking and my legs are actually not yelling back at me.  So all is good.  Next major stage is to hit the 100km+ mark soon.  Bye the way, the wind cost me 30mins extra coming back so all told I was on the bike for 3.5 hours

Name: Track 009

Date: 2009-08-02 6:36 am

Distance: 44.3 kilometers

Elapsed Time: 1:35:35

Avg Speed: 27.8 km/h

Max Speed: 44.2 km/h

Avg Pace: 02' 09" per km

Min Altitude: 286 m

Max Altitude: 371 m

Start Time: 2009-08-02T13:36:41Z

Start Location:

Latitude: 49.461397º N

Longitude: 119.578854º W

End Time: 2009-08-02T15:12:16Z

End Location:

Latitude: 49.335962º N

Longitude: 119.570234º W

Motion X-GPS Track: July 28, 2009

New Route, more elevation changes than I thought. Still great day to be out in God's creation on the bike and you can't beat the weather we are having right now...SUN, SUN, SUN and LOTS of HEAT.

Name: Track 007

Date: 2009-07-28 5:56 am

Distance: 34.0 kilometers

Elapsed Time: 1:20:20

Avg Speed: 25.4 km/h

Max Speed: 54.4 km/h

Avg Pace: 02' 22" per km

Min Altitude: 0 m

Max Altitude: 63 m

Start Time: 2009-07-28T12:56:03Z

Start Location:

Latitude: 49.117821º N

Longitude: 122.703033º W

End Time: 2009-07-28T14:16:24Z

End Location:

Latitude: 49.117755º N

Longitude: 122.703198º W

February Update

“From the womb my first cry, it was a joyful noise…, Only love, only love can leave such a mark, But only love, only love unites our hearts, Justified till we die, you and I will magnify, The Magnificent, Magnificent” Magnificent - U2

February, the month of new and renewed love.  This year it also came to mean a month of loss as our Grandma passed away.  So much has gone on in such a short period of time, I’ll do my best to catch things up without dragging  on...lets the beginning...

1. In Loving Memory of Geraldine Ellis (Grandma) October 6, 1921 - February 5, 2009.   My grandma was one of the rare constants when I was growing up. In the midst of so many different family situations she was always there.  At times she took on the roll of a mom, my greatest advocate and cheerleader and others my toughest critic speaking hard truth when needed.  She never wavered in her love for me or our family and she was loved by many.  She will be greatly missed.  It’s one thing to have lost her, but what made it hard for my sister, brother and I was having to watch her loose control of her body and then die with us by her side in the hospital.  We say good bye for now but not forever.  We will reunite sometime in the future and embrace in a hug as only she could give.   

2. Valentines:  Just wanted to say that I am the luckiest man on the planet.  I have been blessed with the best partner, friend and wife possible.  And then, to top it off, two very fantastic, beautiful, SMART, fun, loving daughters as well.  Happy Valentines, Elaine, Sarah and Emily!

3. Soccer: Quick update, Sarah scores 2 goals in one game and help lead her team from an incredible 4-0 deficit in the 1st half, to tie the best team in the league in the second half.  Emily, well she and her team are heading to the Coastal Cup Medallion Game on Sunday.  Lets just say they won’t be quitting soccer anytime soon.  UPDATE: EMILY SCORED 2 GOALS in the first half to help lead her team to a 6-1 win in the Medallion Game final.

3. Toronto: Just wanted to get this off my chest. In months and years past in this blog I have spoken of wanting to get out of the dreary weather of Vancouver. Let me tell you, go spend 8 days in Toronto and then come back home to the west coast. We are the so fortunate to live in the most beautiful city in Canada.  It may rain here, but at-least its not old and run down with a wind chill of -20 to -25.  I enjoy visiting the different parts of Canada, but 8 days in Toronto is just too much.   

4. High School...The beginning:  We took Sarah to her High School orientation this month. HIGH SCHOOL.  It was not that long ago that she bounced on my knee, sang to all the off key songs I would play and laughed at every funny face I made.  I’m not sure Elaine and I are ready for this, but I think Sarah is and will do well at LTSS this fall.  What’s funny is, I graduate there oh some 20 years or so ago.  Hey Sarah...have fun, we are proud of you and know that you will continue to excel at LTSS, and remember, I am still hanging on the school walls and “I’m watching you....always watching” (10 points if you know where the quote came from)

5. New Music: U2: No Line on the Horizon.  Great album, but what do you expect from one of the greatest bands of all time.  So far I am hooked on “Maginifcent” and “Moment of Surrender”.  As always head on over to iTunes and pick up a copy.  With U2 you can’t go wrong.

Till next month


February New Music: U2

"Only Love, only can, leave such a mark, only love, only love, can heal such a scar...Magnificent, Magnificent" 

New Music: U2: No Line on the Horizon.  Great album, but what do you expect from one of the greatest bands of all time.  So far I am hooked on “Maginificent” and “Moment of Surrender”.  As always head on over to iTunes and pick up a copy.  With U2 you can’t go wrong.


January New Music: Chris Tomlin

"Jesus Messiah, Name above of all names, Blessed Redeemer, Emmanual, the Rescue for Sinners, the Ransom from heaven, Jesus Messiah, Lord of All" 

MUSIC: For this month Chris Tomlin, Hello Love is on deck.  For awhile there I was beginning to wane on his music.  I just felt everything was sounding the same and that it would be good to have some fresh voices step up into the christian worship music world.  But his latest album, Hello Me, has some good songs that the church can use in corporate worship.  “Jesus Messiah” is a good sample of what you will find on the album.  As always head on over to itunes and pick up the entire album, you’ll be glad you did. 



January Update

“And this is my prayer in the battle, When triumph is still on it's way, I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ, So firm on His promise I'll stand...And I will bring praise, I will bring praise, No weapon formed against me shall remain, I will rejoice, I will declare, God is my victory and He is here”  Desert Song - Brooke Fraser

Winter has been in full swing here.  Colder temperatures have lingered and more snow than I can remember as fallen this year.  Combined with the long winter nights, for some, this can be a tough time of year.  However, this year joy, hope, gladness seem to be enduring and helping to drive away the winter blues.    Here what has been going on for the past while.

1. Family...Over the holidays we had a chance to have a family gathering of a rather unique kind for my side of the world.  Rarely does my family get together and it has been years since my brothers and sister, along with my parents, gathered for dinner (without our kids) and interacted.  I am never quite sure what the combination of all of us will do when placed in close proximity but it was a great night!  My parents for days afterwards would tell of how every child called and thanked them for setting up the dinner and saying what a great time they had with each other.  It was a reminder for me that I have good family and for all our ups and downs we really do care for one other.  It was also a great way to start off Christmas and hopefully it will be just the beginning of new things to come for us all. 

2. Friends...You know, you really can never do without a group of really good friends to hang out with and know they have your back.  Lately we have had the chance to spend time with a few people who have become really close to our family and all I can say is thanks and we love you. It’s the same with Sarah and Emily, they have been able to develop some fantastic friendships this year with a few kids from school who are good solid people and even think that Elaine and I are the “cool” parents of the group.  How bad can they be hey!

3. Skiing...Our monthly updates around this time inevitably have some comment about our passion for skiing.  With another year under their belt the girls are becoming really good skiers.  This year has also brought us to the point of needing to replace their ski equipment as they both have grown out their original gear.  Even though we had to move them into larger and more advanced equipment they haven’t skipped a beat and will soon be leaving me behind on the mountains.  Anyways, the weather has turned for the better this past month and has brought another good year of skiing.  If you are ever in the neighborhood come and meet us at the summit of Seymour every friday in February for some west coast fun.  It helps keep the long winter season blues at bay. 

4. MUSIC: For this month Chris Tomlin is on deck.  For awhile there I was beginning to wane on his music.  I just felt everything was sounding the same and that it would be good to have some fresh voices step up into the christian worship music world.  But his latest album, Hello Me, has some good songs that the church can use in corporate worship.  “Jesus Messiah” is a good sample of what you will find on the album.  As always head on over to itunes and pick up the entire album, you’ll be glad you did. 

Till next time



December New Music: Hillsongs UNITED

"Sing to the Lord, oh my Soul, Let the heaven shout for Joy. Great is our God , Great is our God"

New Music Part 2.  Hillsongs United: This is Our God.  Until last months Jars of Clay album I reviewed it had been quite some time since a Christian artist had attracted my attention and ear.  Even though I lead worship at Southside, it has even been longer since a worship album has taken on such listening power as this one has.  I am probably the last person to have found the United worship team but there is something about both their sound and lyrics that uplifts God, stirs in me the need to sing out to Jesus and reminds me just how much music can be a tool to connected us to Him.  We picked up the DVD and CD and the DVD has found a permeant home in our player at the moment.   I’m not going to suggested any favorites this time around as all of the songs have connected within me in some way throughout the month.   Take the time to give it a listen (click on the sample to left to start) and if you can pick the DVD do so, you won’t be disappointed. 


Christmas Time Is Here Again

“Christmas time is here, happiness and cheer, fun for all that children call, their favorite time of year...Christmas time is here, we’ll be drawing near, oh that we could see always see, such spirit through the year”  Christmastime Is Here: Jars of Clay

Do you feel the chill, the crisp winter air, the smell of cinnamon and spice, the sound of crackling from the glow of the fireplace, christmas time has once again arrived.   This is our favorite time of year and christmas joy would seem to have arrived early this year as we already have the lights, tree and decorations up throughout the house.   This past month seems to have slid buy fast and as such so will the update...ready..set..go...

1. Sarah and Emily:  Soccer, soccer and more soccer, oh and volleyball still consumes much of their time.  From all accounts and kind words from coaches and parents, the girls have quickly caught up and settled into their new soccer teams and positions.  Sarah has been placed as centre forward for the last month and has blossomed into quite the play maker.  I don’t know if they track direct assists but she has set up at-least 1 goal a game and 2 the last few games.  She as speed to burn as the coach says, now all she needs to learn is that she is allowed shoot and score.  Emily, seems has been bounced around a bit more as her team likes to move the kids around and give them different perspectives of the game, but she is shining bright as a right or left midfield when not taking turns in goal.   As for volleyball both where picked to play in a large tournament to end the season off and have been getting up earlier for volleyball practice and then coming home to head off to soccer.    And yes they make sure to get their homework done as both are very bright and want to continue as honor roll students (just in case you are wondering).

2. Elaine:  First off, when you next see her reminder Elaine how good she looks as she really has taken to this new fitness routine (and in the process put me to shame at the moment).   Second if you ever want to get in touch with her or just check out what she is up to, head on over to here facebook page.  She is often on there reuniting with old friends and keeping up to date with new ones. 

3. Michael:  Biggest thing this month was the week spent in Las Vegas. Not my most favorite place in the world and outside of a few good meetings with clients, a place I’d rather forget about.  Probably the most interesting part of the trip was missing our flight on Monday night (first time I have ever missed a flight) due to changes in our scheduled departure and having to find a hotel in Seattle till our re-scheduled 6 am flight left.  NO more bookings with Expedia!  

4. NEW Music Part 1: Jars of Clay: Christmas Time.  Christmas time is here, which means it’s time to listen to some of my favorite music. I had forgotten about picking this album up last year till I was dusting off the christmas music last week.  This is just a fun christmas album, especially Jars of Clay’s take on the old Charlie Brown christmas tune, “Christmas Time is Here”.   Head on over to itunes and pick up a copy, it will bring you the warm fuzzies (is this even word?) that come with the holidays.

 5. New Music Part 2.  Hillsongs United: This is Our God.  Until last months Jars of Clay album I reviewed, it had been quite some time since a Christian artist had attracted my attention and ear.  Even though I lead worship at Southside, it has even been longer since a worship album has taken on such listening power as this one has.  I am probably the last person to have found the United worship team but there is something about both their sound and lyrics that uplifts God, stirs in me the need to sing out to Jesus and reminds me just how much music can be a tool to connected us to Him.  We picked up the DVD and CD and the DVD has found a permeant home in our player at the moment.   I’m not going to suggested any favorites this time around as all of the songs have connected within me in some way throughout the month.   Take the time to give it a listen (click on the sample to left to start) and if you can pick the DVD do so, you won’t be disappointed. 


October New Music: Jars of Clay

"So carry me, I'm just a dead man, lying on the carpet, can't find a heart breath. Make me breath, I wana be a new man, tired of the old one, out with the old plan"

NEW MUSIC: Jars of Clay - Good Monsters.  Jars of Clay have been around for some time now.  After a number of albums moving in and out of styles and billboard success, I found this one this month.  It has a bit of the old meets new sound to it.  Head on over to iTunes and check the album out.  I especially recommend, “There is a River”, “Dead Man (Carry Me)” and “All My Tears”

Fall Update (It's About Time!)

“There is a river that washes you clean. There is a tree that marks the places you’ve been. Blood that was spilled, although not your own. For all these things love will atone” - There is a River: Jars of Clay

It’s been awhile since we last came around.  During our absence life has moved along with a quickening pace as the year speeds towards its close.  This fall has brought a few significant changes to our life and schedule, yet things still remain familiar.   Since we lasted posted in July this might get a bit long winded...we apologies in advance. :-)

September, 2008

1. A Year off from Disney!!!  Well, it was bound to happened, as we came home in September from another great trip to Walt Disney World, we all turned to each other and realized that we had finally reached Disney saturation. We love going, the weather, the atmosphere, the distance from normal life back home, but it’s time for a break. Time to stretch our wings and fly off to new destinations.  A special thanks to the Greenough’s and Craig’s who came along for ride this year and made it fresh and fun.  

2. Back to School.  Quick recap...Sarah is now in GRADE 7 (Uhg) and Emily is  in GRADE 5.  12 and the years go by!  Both are excited about school this year, as they seem to have good teachers and best friends in the same class, in which to share the joys and sorrows of school.  To the girls... please remember in the midst of all the homework to have fun. 

3. SOCCER.  After years of of unrelenting requests, especially by Sarah to play soccer (which we have tried to avoid due to Sunday games), Elaine and I finally decided that we could no longer keep her from doing something she seemed so eager to be involved in.  And with that, we are now officially soccer parents.  From saturday to tuesday soccer predominates our schedule, as both girls now play for the Breakers Soccer Club.  Emily joined a great U11 house team with an excellent coach who has great patience and technique.  Sarah got thrown into a little more challenging situation joining a U13 house team with aspirations to move on up to silver next year and maybe gold the year after.  Of note,  one month in and other parents and coaches are telling us that the girls are natural athletes and seem to be picking up the game very quickly.   As for musical theater...even though Emily especially misses it, the year off will give them a chance to face new challenges. 

4. Our Boulevard is DONE!  3 Months later and the albatross that was our very large boulevard around the south side of our property has been completed.   With much help from Elaine’s brother Brian the area had new sod installed in a whirl wind 8 hours.  It has finally been transformed in a way that both fits the neighbourhood and our house, as well as being WAY EASIER to keep up.  I think the pictures to the right say it all.  (Click here for the full image story)

5. Do you like to run?  The girls do.  As if soccer where not enough, both Emily and Sarah decided that cross country running had to be conquered again this year.  Now both have been running cross country for a few years, but man are the girls now shape.  I’m not sure I could keep up with them, even half way.   They definitely have set the tone in the house and pushed Elaine and I to get in shape before forty takes hold next year.  Hey Emily and Sarah...thanks for the inspiration. 

October 2008

1. Getting in Shape.  So at the beginning of this month I had to take a business trip to Park City, Utah.  It was a great resort, similar to Whistler, with the fall colours over taking much of the surrounding hill side, very reminiscent of a Rockwell painting.   While I was away Elaine had determined that enough, was enough and that it was time ti get into shape.  By the time I had come home she had started an excellent exercise routine and determined that both of us needed to do so over the next 6 months.   So for this month’s update here is the quick and painful.  Elaine is doing much better than I am at the moment and its starting really show on her already.  As for myself, the competitive streak in me is starting to kick in and does not want to be outdone.  Maybe we should take before and after shots to keep a record of all of this.  Na...just watch the pictures over the next few months to see how the progress is going. And hey Elaine, excellent start...I am going to win though (in case you didn’t know that this was a competition) =8-)

2. Monthly Soccer update:  To date the girls have been progressing at a great pace.  They have been attending high performance training on Mondays and the skills they are learning are starting to show.  Emily has even been taking a stab at being the goalie for few 1/2 games this month.  So far her team was unlucky to have not won some of their early games, but as of this past Sunday they have finally come home with their first win.  As for Sarah, her team is on a two game winning streak and she is getting more and more comfortable   playing with her teammates.  By the way, her coach says she has wicked speed. 

3. Volleyball Anyone?  As if soccer was not enough, just as cross country ended for the year, next comes volleyball.  And with this, the girls have practices 4 times a week for volleyball on top of soccer. Now I played allot of school sports when I was young but man do these two have a taste for sport.  Oh they are having fun (I think?).   Bye the way, in case I forgot to mention earlier, they are also finishing their swimming levels every Friday afternoon as well.  Oh to be young again. 

4. What are Elaine and I up to?...Hmm.  Well, Elaine is really enjoying working from home while getting paid very well from Telus.  It really is the best of all work situations for her.  As for Michael (me), the company will end off with its best year yet in-spite of all the economic troubles around the world.  Outside of this, there is nothing to tell as we have become the parents of all star athletes and spend our days and nights driving and shouting out support for them throughout the week. 

5. NEW MUSIC: Jars of Clay - Good Monsters.  Jars of Clay have been around for some time now.  After a number of albums moving in and out of styles and billboard success, I found this one this month.  It has a bit of the old meets new sound to it.  Head on over to iTunes and check the album out.  I especially recommend, “There is a River”, “Dead Man (Carry Me)” and “All My Tears”

Till Next Month...
